Reliv Cellebrate
Review SummaryCellebrate, by Reliv, is a dietary supplement designed to be added to Reliv’s Slimplicity meal replacement shake. Cellebrate is said to boost the meal replacement shake by adding appetite suppressants and fat blockers. The Cellebrate is supposed to increase the potency of Slimplicity products, which seem to form a major part of Reliv’s weight loss program.
Slimplicity provides vitamins and minerals and protein that can help one stay energized without consuming a meal. Reliv offers this meal replacement enhancement to help turn the simple meal replacement product into a potential powerhouse for those with extra dieting needs.
Cellebrate contains ChromeMate, Hydroxycitric Acid, L-Carnitine, Choline, Inositol, Gamma-linolenic Acid, Coenzyme Q10, and Ginkgo Biloba.
ChromeMate delivers Chromium, which has become popular as a blood sugar stabilizer and a synthesizer of cholesterol, fats, and proteins.
Hydroxycitric Acid is derived from Garcinia Cambogia. It is thought to inhibit the enzyme, ATP Citrate Lyase, which synthesizes fatty acids.
L-Carnitine is supposed to enhance the metabolism of body fat.
Choline is known for its ability to enhance mood and memory. It might also play a role in lipid metabolism.
Inositol is found in a variety of foods and has become associated with fat breakdown and cholesterol reduction.
And finally, there’s the popular Gingko Biloba, which is often found in energy drinks for its nootropic properties.
The Slimplicity weight loss system is sold as one package, and it includes Cellebrate. To order the product, one must create a profile on Reliv’s website, or they may call or fax an order in.
While meal replacement is itself a calorie reducing effort, Cellebrate may extend that potential to help people avoid eating mid-meal snacks by focusing on appetite suppression, metabolism and fat blocking.
Final Facts
Cellebrate was created as an enhancing supplement that can put more dieting power into your Slimplicity meal replacement shake. Reliv recommends using this system in conjunction with healthy food choices and regular exercise. Each container can last for 56 servings, so one may be able to experience the long term potential of using this product by making only one order.
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