Meet GlucAffect — the newest member of the Relìv product family and a major step forward in nutrition science. As part of a healthy lifestyle, GlucAffect has been clinically shown to help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and support weight loss. This revolutionary formula brings together — for the first time ever — many cutting-edge nutritional ingredients clinically shown to support blood sugar management and promote overall health. Now you have a powerful new ally in the wellness war. Get in control with GlucAffect.
Listen to an enlightening 12-minute interview with GlucAffect’s creator, Relìv Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Carl Hastings – anytime, anywhere. Just dial toll-free 866-330-4922 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 866-330-4922 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, option # 2, or listen online to hear Dr. Carl discuss the great need for the product, its clinical trial and what it could mean for millions of people across the country.
For more deatailed product information about groundbreaking GlucAffect, download the Online Product Guide.
Should you take GlucAffect? Yes, definitely if you have fatigue, depression, or especially diabetes.
#91007 | Nutritional Panel |