Sunday, October 24, 2010

Proper Nutrition Can Help Ease Stress

CHESTERFIELD, Mo., March 18, 2010 – Turning to comfort foods to relieve stress could ultimately lead to poor health, says Reliv International. Instead, the company is focusing on helping residents make healthy decisions when encountering stress in their lives.
The Health Resource Network has designated April as Stress Awareness Month. In recognition of the campaign, Reliv is providing the following tips:

DON'T fill up on caffeine: When having a bad day at work or dealing with any stressful situation, some people tend to drink more coffee than they usually would in order to stay alert. Not only can this make you jittery, coffee is a diuretic and can dehydrate you.

o DO drink lots of water to stay hydrated and eat fruits such as watermelon and grapes, which hold a lot of water.

DON’T think fast food is the answer: Although you think a burger at your favorite fast food restaurant may relieve stress and make everything OK, the relief it brings is only temporary. Don't make impulse decisions on high-calorie foods when you face stressful situations.

o DO eat healthy: Fill up with good sources of protein and nutrients such as lean meats, vegetables and fruits. Also, consider taking nutritional supplements.

DON'T skip out on your meals: Many people lose their appetite or forget to eat when they are dealing with a challenging situation. That can leave their bodies starving for nutrients needed for energy.

o DO concentrate on portion control: Eat three portion-sized meals throughout the day and snack on things like whole-grain crackers, low-fat cheese and yogurt.

According to, when people feel threatened or under attack, brain chemicals and adrenal hormones – which enable us to think quickly or to run away from a threat – are released into the bloodstream. This is our primitive fight or flight response. Poor eating habits brought on by the "flight" of stress could lead to unwanted weight gain and poor health in the long term.

"Everyone reacts to stress differently. But it's important to react in a healthy manner," said Dr. Carl Hastings, chief scientific officer of Reliv International, a nutrition and direct selling company. "Making smarter eating decisions may help you deal with situations when you may feel you have lost control."

Through independent distributors, Reliv International offers essential daily nutrition and weight-loss products, along with items focused on heart health, joint health, digestive health and blood-sugar management. Reliv provides its distributors with the tools and incentives needed to build a lucrative career.

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